Simulation & Probabilistic Analysis SDK
Add Distribution Fitting & Simulation Features to Your Applications

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Automated & Manual Distribution Fitting

The SPA SDK provides a flexible SPADataSet.Fit method that can be used to automatically or manually fit distributions to your data. The automated distribution fitting means the SDK will estimate the distribution parameters from data, while the manual fitting capability allows you to manually specify the parameter values. The only input argument of the fitting method, dist, can take on a range values (see the table below).

The fitting method returns an array of SPAFitResult objects, each representing a single successfully or unsuccessfully fitted model, and the number of elements in this array. For details on how to use the distribution fitting results, see the Fitting Results topic.

dist argument type & value
SPADistributionType.SPADistAll Automatically fit all supported distributions using the current fitting options, including domain bounds.
  Dim fitResults() As Variant
  Dim count As Long

  ' run the fit  
  count = dataSet.Fit(SPADistAll, fitResults)
Any value of type SPADistributionType, except SPADistAll and SPADistNone Automatically fit the specified distribution using the current fitting options, including domain bounds.
  Dim fitResults() As Variant
  Dim count As Long

  ' run the fit  
  count = dataSet.Fit(SPADistGamma, fitResults)
3 The SPADistribution object with FitMode=SPAFitModeAuto (the default property value) Automatically fit the specified distribution. The key difference from the second input format (see above) is that you can set some of the distribution parameters to a fixed value using the SPADistribution.ParamFixed and SPADistribution.Param properties, forcing the SDK to estimate only the rest of the parameters. When using this format, the SDK will ignore the default domain bounds.
  Dim dist as New SPADistribution
  Dim fitResults() As Variant
  Dim count As Long

  ' initialize the distribution object
  dist.Type = SPADistWeibull
  dist.ParamFixed(2) = True  
  dist.Param(2) = 0.5   ' force gamma=0.5

  ' run the fit
  count = dataSet.Fit(dist, fitResults)
4 The SPADistribution object with FitMode=SPAFitModeManual Manually fit the specified distribution with given parameters.
  Dim dist as New SPADistribution
  Dim fitResults() As Variant
  Dim count As Long

  ' initialize the distribution object
  dist.Type = SPADistNormal
  dist.Param(0) = 2
  dist.Param(1) = 1
  dist.FitMode = SPAFitModeManual

  ' run the fit
  count = dataSet.Fit(dist, fitResults)
5 An array that can include any of the above values You can combine the automated and manual fitting in a single call to the distribution fitting method.
  Dim arr(2) As Variant
  Dim dist as New SPADistribution
  Dim fitResults() As Variant
  Dim count As Long

  ' initialize the distribution object
  dist.Type = SPADistExp
  dist.Param(0) = 2
  dist.Param(1) = 3
  dist.FitMode = SPAFitModeManual

  ' initialize the input array
  Set arr(0) = dist
  arr(1) = SPADistGamma
  arr(2) = SPADistJohnsonSB

  ' run the fit
  count = dataSet.Fit(arr, fitResults)

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