Distribution Fitting Software & Articles

Error (Exponential Power) Distribution

EasyFit: select the best fitting distribution and use it to make better decisions. learn more
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- shape parameter
- scale parameter ()
- location parameter


Probability Density Function (PDF)

Error distribution PDF

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Error (Exponential Power) Distribution Fitting

EasyFit allows to automatically or manually fit the Error (Exponential Power) distribution and 55 additional distributions to your data, compare the results, and select the best fitting model using the goodness of fit tests and interactive graphs. Watch the short video about EasyFit and get your free trial.

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Error (Exponential Power) Distribution Graphs and Properties

EasyFit displays all graphs and properties of the Error (Exponential Power) distribution, presenting the results in an easy to read & understand manner. EasyFit calculates statistical moments (mean, variance etc.), quantiles, tail probabilities depending on the distribution parameters you specify.

Random Numbers from the Error (Exponential Power) Distribution

You can easily generate random numbers from the Error (Exponential Power) distribution in a variety of ways:

  • directly from EasyFit
  • in Excel sheets using the worksheet functions provided by EasyFitXL
  • in your VBA applications using the EasyFitXL library

Excel Worksheet and VBA Functions

EasyFitXL enables you to use the following functions in your Excel sheets and VBA applications:

Function Name
ErrorPdf Probability Density Function
ErrorCdf Cumulative Distribution Function
ErrorHaz Hazard Function
ErrorInv Inverse CDF (Quantile Function)
ErrorRand Random Numbers
ErrorMean Mean
ErrorVar Variance
ErrorStdev Standard Deviation

Learn more: EasyFit Help on the Error (Exponential Power) distribution